Geochemistry of major elements from the Cretaceous Taoqihe Formation-Taipinglinchang Formation sandstones in the Sunwu-Jiayin Basin;
In this paper a method for the direct determination of the major elements(S,Cl,K,Ca)in brine sam- ples by the energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is reported.
Major element characteristics of sandstones from different kinds of basin are a function of particular provenance types and tectonic environments, and provenance analysis of basins may be performed using major element diagrams.
The characteristic value ti=m i(n i-1)+h i of an atom is defined by principal quantum number.
由主量子数 (ni)定义成键原子化学特征的点价为ti=mi(ni-1) +hi,在此基础上建构一个主量子数拓扑指数nQ =∑ (ti·tj·tk… ) 0 5,其中 ,0 Q =∑ (ti) 0 5,1Q =∑ (ti·tj) 0 5,并以此为参数研究了烷基苯的燃烧热、等张比容、沸点、汽化热、标准生成自由能、标准熵、摩尔体积、溶解度、辛醇 /水分配系数等 10种物理化学性质 ,提出了一个通用的关系式 :p =a +b0 Q +c1Q 。
It is pointed out that the relation has something to do with the principal quantum number and the angular quantum number,but nothing to do with the nuclear electronic number and reduced mass.
Comparative Studies on the Sample Digestion Techniques of Alkali Fusion and Acid Dissolution in the Determination of Major Elements and Trace Elements in Stone;
Distribution of major elements in marine sediments and water system was studied in this paper by using a modified sequential extraction procedure according to the methods of Tessier,BCR and so on.
The Ti normalized ratios of the major elements exhibit significant climatecontrolling patterns.
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