Adaptive Real-time Bandwidth Scheduling Strategy in WiMAX Broadband Wireless Networks;
A new QoS architecture and uplink schedule algorithms that is deadline and surplus schedule arithmetic were proposed,and the design the uplink bandwidth schedule module was implemented,the result shows it can supply the real-time operations very well.
针对无线城域网(MAN:Metropolitan Area Network)对准入控制、流量控制、带宽调度算法问题,在分析IEEE 802。
The relationship between the parameters and the modulation characteristics is obtained from selecting by simulation the proper thickness of the electrodes and buffer layer,optimizing the modulator performance and realizing broadband modulation.
The temperature-insensitive fiber Bragg grating(FBG) dynamic pressure sensing based on reflection spectrum bandwidth modulation and differential optical power detection is proposed and experimentally demonstrated.
The temperature-independent fiber Bragg grating(FBG) displacement measurement based on optical reflection spectrum bandwidth modulation and differential optical power detection is proposed and experimentally demonstrated.
The results indicate that strong injection is able to enlarge response frequency and modulation bandwidth to a certain extent,but also suppresses modulation gain.
The parasitic capacitance of the high speed laser is one of those factors which affect the modulation bandwidth.
The emphasis is put on high-speed quantum well lasers with wide modulation bandwidth, and high-speed PIN photodetectors with high collection efficiency.
介绍用于雷达的高速半导体激光器和探测器的特性 ,综述了这类器件的研究进展 ,重点讨论具有高的调制带宽的高速量子阱激光器和具有高的收集效率的高速PIN光电探测器。
The Research of Bandwidth Scheduling Algorithm Based on IEEE 802.16 Protocol;
基于IEEE 802.16协议带宽调度算法的研究
The Design on the Dynamic Service Flow and the Bandwidth Schedule of the IEEE802.16a MAC Layer;
The Study of Bandwidth Scheduling Architecture on IEEE802.16 Protocol
The Research of Scheduling Algorithm of Bandwidth Allocation for WiMAX MAC Layer
WiMAX MAC层带宽调度算法研究
The Design and Implementation of Uplink Scheduling of MAC Layer in WMAN;
Bandwidth Allocation and Service Handoff in IEEE 802.16 Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks;
A Study on Bandwidth Scheduling Architecture for IEEE 802.16 MAC Layer;
802.16 MAC层协议分析及带宽调度架构的研究
Bandwidth Allocation and Channel Assignment in WiMax Mesh Networks
WiMax mesh网络带宽调度与信道分配问题的研究
Influence of Ridge Width on Its Frequency Bandwidth of Traveling-wave Electroabsorption Modulators
The Study of Key Techniques for High Resolution and Wide Bandwidth Σ-Δ Modulator;
A 100 kHz Signal Bandwidth Σ-Δ Modulator with High Linearity
Dynamic Bandwidth Assignment Scheme for Real-time Data Multicast Schedule
Scheduling algorithm for QoS enhancement in Ultra-Wide Band(UWB) wireless networks
impulse bandwidth
Weight Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm in Broadband Wireless Internet Network
Research of Key Techniques of Radio Resource Allocation in Broadband Wireless Networks;
Research on Packet Scheduling of Broadband Wireless Access Network Based on WiMAX;
The Resource Scheduling for IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Systems;
IEEE 802.16宽带无线接入系统中资源调度算法的研究
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