Author points out that intensifying management of ventilation, fire prevention and dust prevention is fundamental assurance of security production.
通过对孟南庄煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故原因的分析 ,总结出“一通三防”在煤矿安全生产中的重要性 ,指出只有抓好安全 ,加强现场通风、防尘、防火等管理 ,才能确保煤矿安全生
According to the air-defense project for both war and peace time in north area the design of ventilation system is discussed from four aspects: ventilation in water and transition period,dust prevention and noise control,which has a certain reference value for similar designers engaged in relevant area.
就北方地区一般用途的人防平战结合工程通风系统的设计 ,从供暖期及过渡季通风、排风口位置、防尘除尘、噪声控制四方面 ,提出了几点看法 ,以解决工程中遇到的环境问题。
Application of dust proof and extinguish technology for π fall roof working surface by injecting water and high pressure,drilling in two tunnels and spraying of MgCI2 to soft ect.
It may complete such tasks as decontamination,polishing,waxing and dust proof synchronously,its technology targets have reached the advanced leve of import product.
多功能有机硅蜡乳的制备工艺简单、造价低廉、使用方便 ,广泛用作车辆、家俱、设备表面的清洁护理剂 ,能集去污、上光、打蜡、防尘于一体 ,一次同步完成。
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