The traditional exhaust hood and canopy hood with attached air curtain have different principles.
5mm and 2mm have been prepared by copper mold upper suction casting method for x=2 and x=4 alloys,respectively.
本文用铜模上吸铸法制备Fe78-2xCrxMoxSn2 P10 Si4B4C2 (x =2、4 ,原子百分比 )块体非晶合金系列 ,制备出直径达 2 5mm的Fe74Cr2 Mo2 Sn2 P10 Si4B4C2 非晶合金棒材和直径达 2mm的Fe70 Cr4Mo4Sn2 P10 Si4B4C2 非晶合金棒材。
The complexation reaction of ascorbic acid with Fe(Ⅱ) under various conditions has been investigated by TLC in-situ absorption spectrometry, and two different structures for the chelates were investigated.
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