9 MeV neutrons with natural copper are investigated by using total gamma radiation measurement technique (TGRM) in fast neutron nuclear reaction.
利用快中子核反应的全γ辐射测量技术研究了 14 9MeV中子与天然铜反应在 5 5°和90°这 2个角度上的分立γ射线谱 ,由高分辨γ分析程序识别了 10 7条谱线 ;定出了每条谱线在这 2个角度上的微分截面以及相应的反应类型和跃迁能级 ,发现谱线主要来自6 3 Cu(n ,2nγ) 6 2 Cu ,6 5Cu(n ,2nγ) 6 4Cu ,6 3 Cu(n ,n′γ) 6 3 Cu等反应道 。
Neutron irradiation effects on mechanical properties of fluoropolymers;
Design of Injection Mould for Doorknob of Refrigerator with Neutron;
Development of the Liquid Tissue-equivalent Material Used for Neutron Experiments and Comparison of ~(24)Na Activated to Water in the Phantom Irradiated by Neutrons.;
Study on technique for measuring neutrons by measuring the γ rays from fission fragments;
The equivalent coefficient of cross section of single event upset induced by protons and neutrons is established and the result is compared with the experimental data.
考虑了质子和中子在硅中的弹性散射、非弹性散射、两体反应、多体反应以及质子的库仑散射等所有相互作用类型 ,采用蒙特卡罗方法模拟跟踪入射粒子与核的相互作用以及各种次级带电粒子和反冲核的能量沉积过程。
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