To establish math model respectively for winding wire rope and steel wire on spool according to production situa-tion,and by analysis of the math model and making use of Excel table to fast get the length of entanglement or other param-eters and load of spool.
Through studying interrelation between structure coefficient and structure dimension of spool, the formula limitation to calculation of effective spool structure is analyzed.
通过对工字轮的结构系数与尺寸之间的关系进行研究 ,分析工字轮有效结构尺寸推导公式的局限性 ,给出工字轮内所能存放的钢丝绳有效长度精确的计算公式 ,运用计算机设计工字轮结构尺寸 ,并正确计算工字轮内的钢丝绳长度。
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