Retrofits of the Parallel Roll and Wheel of a Belt Conveyer;
Steel casting stern wheel weighs 1 200 kg.
为此 ,仅在尾轮的轮毂设置一个保温冒口 ,浇注时 ,当钢液液面升至冒口高度的 2 / 3处时加入保温覆盖剂 ,使工艺出品率达到 75 % ,并铸造出组织致密的尾轮铸件。
Phylogenetic relationships of Brachionus rotifers based on rDNA ITS 1 gene sequences;
基于rDNAITS 1序列探讨臂尾轮属轮虫的系统发生关系(英文)
The mtDNA COⅠ gene sequences of seven Brachionus species including B.
Genetic Diversity of Brachionus Populations and Phylogenetic Relationships among Brachionus Species;
Sequences and Phylogeny of Partial Mitochondrial COⅠ Gene from Four Brachionus Species;
The effects of temperature on asexual reproductive characteristics such as lifespan,reproductive period,age at first egg,offspring production,and lifetime fecundity of the rotifer Brachionus quaridentatus are investigated in the laboratory.
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