8 m were used to perform the multiple row holes millisecond blasting.
2 m的孔网参数 ,进行多排孔微差爆破 ,取得了明显的经济效益。
An approach to the yield enhancement of tube cold mill with multi-array rolls;
Water quality simulation of coupled effect of multiple sewage outfalls in urban river reach;
The Manning roughness coefficients for the multi-pier are evaluated for the various cases of longitudinal and lateral pier spacing and water depth.
In particular,the valuable experience to develop several different kinds of external-pressurized gas bearings including double row radial gas supply,double row tangential gas supply,multi-row tangential gas supply is presented and summarized.
This paper focuses on the study of heat transfer enhancement in the nature convection in the vertical plat by using delta-winglet longitudinal vortex generators arranged in rows.
结果表明 ,在一定 Rayleigh数范围内 ,直角三角翼纵向涡发生器的翼高、翼宽以及多排布置的阵列方式是影响强化换热的主要因素。
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