A minimum initiating impulse was found in testing curve of initiation current (I) and the initiation impulse(K) of commercial electric detonators.
对工业电雷管点火电流(I)和点火冲量(K)的测量研究,发现K I感度曲线实际上存在着一个极小值(即最小点火冲量);对曲线上不同阶段的点火过程作了相应的分析,并对偏离原理论的区段作了新的解释;最后进一步阐明了最小点火冲量和最大不点火冲量在发火感度指标中的重要性。
In this paper, the effect of distributive homogenity of bridgewire resistance on the firing current of electric detonators is studied and the testing results are also analysed and discussed.
The presence of minimum value of initiation impulse in K-I curve is proved by the examination of firing current(I)and initiation impulse(K)of commercial electric detonators.
In this paper, author reviewed tab meaning of improving the initiating current accuracy of electric detonators for a blasting engineering,presented the basis of the nondestructive examination tor initiating sensitivity of electric detonators, discussed the possibilities for improving the initiating current accuracy of electric detonators and the way to it.
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