Discussion on advantages of MF inverter DC resistance welding;
The design and application of the KYZ-250/550 type dc impulse speeder of stringing locomotive;
DC energy conservation control transform of hoist AC contactor;
Aiming at the direct current(DC) power source system of the electric power system,introduces systematically the diagnosis technology of the direct current ground fault,analyzes several diagnosing methods of the direct current ground faults.
Response of direct current circle in a cased borehole and its application research;
The Differences and Similarities between Alternating Current Contact or and Direct Current Contactor and the Replacement of Each Other;
Briefly narrating the direct current system configuring and features of the middle and small sized hydropower station;
HVDC Partial Discharge Detecting Instrument Used for Storage Capacitors;
Analysis of Three Gorges output HVDC transmission system operation in 2005;
DC Transient Overvoltage of Lingbao BtB HVDC Converter Station;
Two parallel-placed needle valves with opposite flow direction referred as two-valved configuration instead of traditional single-valved configuration as double-inlet are adopted to control DC flow and are proved to be a successful way to decrease the refrigeration temperature of a single-stage pulse tube cryocooler below 20 K.
并联双阀双向进气模式是采用了两个并联排列、箭头指示方向相反的阀门来替代单一阀门的双向进气模式,可对脉管制冷中的直流进行有效控制,是使脉管制冷机单级情况下达到低于20 K温区的有效手段。
An experimental investigation on DC flow suppression in a single-stage G-M type pulse tube cooler is made.
Experimental investigation on DC flow suppression and refrigeration characteristics of a high-performance single-stage GM-type pulse tube cooler has been undertaken.
从直流抑制角度出发 ,开展了高性能 G-M型单级脉管制冷机的研究。
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