31) g to evaluate the requirements for protein,fat,mineral and total energy.
First principle total energy calculations, using the density functional theory (DFT) within the local density approximation (LDA), were performed to investigate the atomic structural properties of (3×3) surfaces of 6H-SiC.
总能计算表明 ,再构层中的 Si原子存在扭转现象 ,扭转角度为 5 。
It is pointed out that the interaction energy and interaction force of a charge system involving image charges equals those of a real charge system respectively and the self energy and total energy of a charge system involving image charges not equals those of a real charge system.
The routine nutritive components and gross energy contained in samples of Pennisetum purpureum.
The routine nutritive components and gross energy contained in samples of Pennisetum sinese gathered from east suburban area of Kunning City in autumn and winter seasons were determined.
According to their population structures,body weights and energy dissipations for kinesis,it was estimated that the gross energy needed for every 100 blue sheep was 1.
The total energy of Heisenberg ferromagnetic systems;
Based on APW method,this paper caculates the electric energy band, statedensity and total energy of vitriol,titanium and their compounds.
analysis shows that the relativity be- tween its total slope and total energy is very distinct.
The results obtained here indicated that polygeneration system might provide the efficient and clean use of coal energy in total energy system.
The performance of the total en- ergy system was simulated using the Matlab to evaluate the effects of the parameters of fuel cells,such as the current den- sity,fuel flow,output power on the total energy system.
On the basis of the integration idea of total energy system, this paper analyzes the essential characteristics of distributed energy system(DES) as follows: DES is essentially total energy system; with effective integration, it possesses the biggest potential of the performance improvement; on the basis of the idea of cycle economy, it is also .
The refrigeration manner of integrated energy systems with natural gas and the method using residual-heat of tail gas to supply heat for absorption refrigeration are discussed.
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