Intellectual property is intangible property in essence.
知识产权本质上是一种无形财产权 ,本文通过对知识产权与有形财产权之比较 ,论述了知识产权的四方面特征 ,即 :客体的无形性、相对垄断性、法律效力在时空上的有限性及权利保护范围的不确定性。
With the advent of the knowledge economy era, the non-tangible property transaction between related enterprises is increasing.
This exceptional mechanism enabled Faulkner, while employing the method of "the stream of consciousness" to shift time and space at will, to transform the objective, invisible and abstract time and space into a subjective, visible, vivid and specific text, thus bringing about the transcendence of the aesthetic psychology of time and space and imm.
In the sense of TCM,each of the five visoceras consists of "tangible visocera" and "intangible visocera".
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