The Compensation and Assistance in Resource-based Region Development;
From three aspects,including industry adjustment assistance,industry exit assistance and industry related assistance for assistance conpensation of mineral industry,this paper analyzes four.
The paper puts forward measure of knowledge aid by starting with the constitution of urban edge knowledge personnel and analyzing factors of inadequate library knowledge aid.
文章从城市边缘知识人的构成入手 ,在三个层面上分析了图书馆对他们的知识援助不力的因素 ,提出了图书馆实施知识援助的措
Since end of 1960s EC has been participating international activities in humanit arianism aid.
从 2 0世纪 60年代末开始 ,欧共体开始参与国际社会人道主义援助活动。
The application of duty-free policy and monitoring about import equipment and material for International aid projects (Global Fund);
In the end,it emphasized importance and imperative of international aid based on the conditions of economy in Sub-Saharan African countries and international aid of developed countries.
In the end, it emphasizes importance and probability of international aid based on the conditions of economy in many Sub-Saharan African countries and International Aid.
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