Using the thoery of the utility function,this paper discusses the giving of insurance contract and the calculating of premium and gives certain optimal reinsurance.
再保险在我国刚刚起步 ,用效用理论可以确定一种最优再
An Empirical Analysis of Reinsurance Business Risk Distribution;
A Cox risk model of reinsurance;
Optimal reinsurance under mean-variance premium principles;
The prove of optimal reinsurance theorem by risk ordering theory;
Re-insurance produce after spreading to a regular period in direct insurance business, through Re-insurance mechanism,to disperse risk in big range,guarantee insurance company stability, to expand one s own giving cover for ability in case of not increasing the capital.
Re-insurance contract is one of the insurance contracts, and the basic principles of insurance contracts are also adaptable to re-insurance contracts.
再保险合同是保险合同的一种 ,保险合同的基本原则均可在再保险合同中适用 ,但由于再保险合同的自身特点 ,再保险合同所适用的基本原则又不同于保险合同的基本原则 ,呈现出再保险的特征 ,反映了再保险制度的内在要求。
From then on re-insurance industry in China will face the competition from foreign counterparts,and we should consider the development of this national industry.
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