This paper expounds the problems related to flood control to flood control planning for the outlet section of Nandu River and makes an ap-proach to the principle and dertermination of planning for flood control regulation lines, the determination of relevant parameters andcalculation conditions in analizing flood and tidal levels and the calculation of wave run-up.
tail up and down the stream
(of the tide)start to come in or go out
The tide ebbs and flows twice in 24 hours.
潮水每24 小时涨落两次。
Every tide have its ebb.
the high [low] watermark
(涨 [落] 潮时的) 最高 [最低] 水位标
A line or an artificial indicator marking the high-water or low-water limit of the tides.
Is the tide coming in or going out?
The flood and ebb tides alternates with each other.
The tide of commuters ebbed and flowed.
The study of hydrodynamic characteristics of flood and ebb channels and channel type judgment
It was the best time for snorkeling, since the visibility at high tide is not good enough and the water is too shallow at low tide.
Water level upstream is higher than that downstream during the ebb tide, and water level descent of ebb tide is one order bigger than that of flood tide.
the rhythm of the tides, seasons
潮汐的涨落、 四季的循环
Results show that (a) the flood tidal duration is shorter than the ebb tidal one;
结果表明 :潮流历时涨潮比落潮短 ;
the range and rotation during the flood is larger than during the ebb.
At the lower reaches of the South Branch, the velocity of the ebb current is larger than that of the flood current and the ebb tide duration is longer than that of the flood.
(be)in a state of flux and reflux
处于潮涨潮落状态;[喻](人、事)荣枯, 盛衰
(be) in a state of flux and reflux
处于潮涨潮落状态; [喻](人、事)荣枯, 盛衰
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