Rules of the Ministry of Communication of the People's Republic of China on Coastal Harbor Signals是什么意思



1)Rules of the Ministry of Communication of the People's Republic of China on Coastal Harbor Signals,中华人民共和国交通部沿海港口信号规定2)Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China,中华人民共和国交通部3)Rules of the Ministry of Communications of the P.C.C. for Collecting Port Dues from International shipping Vessels and Their Import andor Export Goods,中华人民共和国交通部航行国际航线船舶及外贸进出口货物港口收费规则4)Provisional Rules of Preventing Coast Water Pollution of the P.C.C.,中华人民共和国防止沿海水域污染暂行规定5)Provisions for the Limitation of Liability with Respect to the Carriage of Passengers Between the Ports of the P.C.C.,中华人民共和国港口间海上旅客运输赔偿责任限额规定6)Rules of the Ministry of Communications of the PRC for the Control of Superintending Disassembling Vessels.,中华人民共和国交通部拆解船舶监督管理规则


