The seasonal variation and affecting factors of phosphorus uptake amount and turnover time of heterotrophic bacterioplankton in Jiaozhou Bay were studied in June, August, 2003 and March, 2004.
A model is established aiming at both maximum utilization of vehicle loading capacity and shortest turnover time.
This paper discussed the turnover course of railway freight car and the ship time of cargo in detail, analyzed the various factors that influece the turnover time and calculated the increment of the time.
sclerophylla mixed forest communities,and pure Pinus massoniana changes between 3 9880kg/hm2 and 9 2698kg/hm2,whereas annual litter range is 2 8530~7 0780kg/hm2Based on the Comparative analyses of withered and fallen amount accumulations,as well as with ered and fallen rates,the litter turnover time of the aboved 7 communities is 115 years,0.
基于对凋落量积累和分解速率的比较分析,可预测上述7个群落的凋落物周转时间依次为1 15、0 76、1 42、0 97、1 17、0 84及1 52a。
You can reduce handling time by using piggyback.
Unloading and loading a ~ ship is very fast and the turnaround is much shorter.
Utilizing the preoperative preparing room to improve patients' mood and surgery rotation time
Poor turning round time of aircraft can affect schedule .
The Methods for Improving of Daily Plan and Statistical Calculation of Wagon Turnround Time in Regional Railway Administration
The process of or time needed for performing a task, especially receiving, completing, and returning an assignment.
-- How frequently do you turn over your inventory?
The circumference of the circle is 2πr and the time for one revolution is 2πr/v.
The number of times a particular stock of goods is sold and restocked during a given period of time.
the solar year (the time it takes the earth to go round the sun once,approximately 365 days )
太阳年(地球绕太阳旋转一周所需的时间,约 365天)
Forecast of Total Social Freight Turnover Based on Improved Time-series;
computing interva
计算周期, 计算时间间隔
the time for the earth to make one complete revolution around the sun, relative to the fixed stars.
The receivable turnover in days expresses in how many days the account receivables were collected during the past year.
Let us calculate the velocity required for such an orbit, and the time of one revolution.
period between successive conjunctions with a star, 27.322 days.
On the Book of Change and a Comparison of Cultural Transformations between China and the West in Axial Period;
The earth rotates once every 24 hours.
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