Taking the statistical analysis of yearly minimum tidal level in Baijiao Hydrological Station for example,this paper compared logarithm gamma distribution and Extreme-value TypeⅠdistribution with the result based on optimum curvefitting for estimating the characteristics of the empirical frequency.
Local theoretically lowest tide level is calculated by the latest data of tidal level observed from two hydrometrical stations,which is compared with the theoretically lowest tide level of the sea chart.
It is proposed to adopt theoretically lowest tide level as the designed lowest navigable stage for this kind of channel, and suggested to adopt the substitutes of some practical methods near to theoretically lowest tide level in relevant standards and codes.
The algorithms of the correction of shallow water tides and long period tides to the lowest normal low water(LNLW) are renewed.
The authors put forward a new method calculating service level of network in average speed of network,and profoundly discussed principles,methods,two kinds of incorrect tendencies and psychological control factors of tripers determining minimum acceptable service level of network in which city planners and administrators of city develepment are interested most.
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