It can be explained with Cornu spiral.
Talbot效应是一典型的菲涅耳衍射现象 ,可以用科纽卷线解释。
The Fresnel integral can be computed on the basis of geometrical properties of the Cornu spiral.
利用科纽卷线的几何特性 ,可以计算菲涅耳积分。
Drawing the Cornu spiral on the complex plane,then the amplitude vector on the viewing screen for Fresnel diffraction by semitransparent strip screen has been directly obtained by section deforming and section translation of the Cornu spiral.
在复平面上作出科纽卷线的几何图形 ,将此科纽卷线进行分段变形和分段平移 ,可以作出半透明直条屏菲涅耳衍射任一点的光振动振幅矢量 ,从而求得半透明直条屏菲涅耳衍射的相对光强分
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