Corrosion resistance,adhesion,porosity and hydrogen embrittlement of Zn-Fe-SiO_2 composite coatings with different thickness have been tested systematically,and these data have been compared with the properties of Zn and Zn-Fe alloy.
分别采用硫酸盐体系和氯化物体系的最佳工艺条件电沉积制备了高铁(Fe mass%>1%)和低铁(Fe mass%<1%)的Zn-Fe-SiO2复合镀层,并系统测试了不同厚度Zn-Fe-SiO2复合镀层的耐蚀性、结合力、孔隙率和氢脆性等综合性能,同时与电镀Zn及Zn-Fe合金进行了对比。
Corrosion resistance, adhesion, porosity and hydrogen embrittlement of Zn-Fe-SiO2 composite coatings were tested systematically, and these data was compared with the properties of Zn and Zn-Fe alloy.
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