Control Countermeasures on Sphecia siningensis in Datong;
nobilis,the larvae of Cossus cossus orientalis and Sphecia siningensis were found in the poplar timber and all the wood bore were dead in the confirmatory tests if the CT products had reached the requirements for probit 9 in the t.
glabripennis)和黄斑星天牛幼虫、蛹 ,以及芳香木蠹蛾东方亚种 (Cossuscossusorientalis)和杨干透翅蛾 (Spheciasiningensis)幼虫。
Study on Bio-characteristics and Occurring Regularity of Sesia siningensis;
e Sesia siningensis, a plant quarantine pest, Anoplophora glabripennis(Motsch),Apriona germari(Hope),Saperda populnea,Parathrene tabaniformis Rottenberg, spread with the seedlings from other province.
对西藏南部主要人工林区的调查表明 ,森林植物检疫对象杨干透翅蛾和危险性蛀干害虫光肩星天牛、桑天牛、青杨天牛、白杨透翅蛾等已经传入该区 ,多为从其他省份调入苗木所致。
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