The molecular interaction volume model(MIVM) and the regular solution model have been applied to fit the activities of components in 37 binary solid alloys.
In this thesis, the thermodynamic properties of 37 binary solid alloys have been evaluated and fitted by the molecular interaction volume model (MIVM) and the regular solution model.
Rheologic Forming Theory of Semi-solid Alloy Part I: Rheologic Filling Theory;
Critical condition on rheological filling of semi-solid alloy;
This paper introduced the advantages to produce semi-solid alloy by using the inclined cooling plate such as its short flow,low cost,simple equipment,high production efficiency,and it can produce big size roughcast.
The results show that the optimum gap between roll and shoe varies in 2~3?mm; pouring temperature can affect grain size and its shape of semi solid alloy.
利用自行设计的单辊剪切 /冷却 (SCR)试验机对LY11合金进行了半固态凝固实验 ,研究了工艺条件对LY11半固态合金组织的影响。
The results indicate that the transient peak of apparent viscosity of semi solid alloys increases with expanding the rest time under the same experimental conditions.
结果表明 ,在相同的剪切条件下 ,随剪切停留时间的增加 ,瞬时峰值表观粘度增加 ,说明剪切停留期间半固态合金初生α相形态发生了变化 ;对半固态合金初生相形态观察发现 ,剪切停留促使初生相发生了“团聚”或“合并” ,而且初生相形态变化的程度取决于剪切停留时间和初生相的退化程度 。
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