The work principle of roller type feed control installment and the stone roller structure was introduced.
Running mechanism of roller mill and its selection principle;
Roller millsare first elected grinding system of cement raw meal at present, when grindabiliry of rawmaterials is better, Roller mills can be used to grinding system of cement raw meal at 100thensand tones per year or less cement plant,But guindability is no good, Use of rollermills shall be passed throagh technologic and ecomomic comparison of scheme.
So powder technology developed continuously, the application of roller mill has become the development trend of grinding industries.
The experimental and simulated results show that the relative accurate results could be obtained when the roll smoothing progresses are resolved as a plane strain problem.
The variation of rail height derived from roll straightening;
This paper recommends some techniques, such as back tension drawing, rolling die drawing, force-feed lubrication drawing,drawing without acid and superplastic drawing,which are being studied or applied at home and abroad,and have high theoretical and practicable values in reducing the cost of energy sources in drawing.
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