Finite element analysis of the frame of twin columns pull-down high speed hydraulic forging press;
The develop of the compound blanking die for the frame;
Improvement of GS type probability screen vibration frame;
3D Finite Element Analysis for the Framework of Model D56G90 Cold Ring-Rolling Machine;
Framework is one of the key parts of the machine,and their rigidity affect the accuracy of the manufacturing.
FEM analyses are carried out to calculate the strength, stiffness and inherent vibration property of model F 1300 triplex drilling pump framework by using SAP5/LISA software.
本文应用 SAP5/LISA结构分析程序 ,对 F1 3 0 0型三缸泵机架的强度、刚度和固有振动特性进行了有限元分析 ,获得了机架在额定载荷作用下各部位的应力和变形的分布规律 ,及自由振动时的最小几阶模态频率和模态振型。
The finite element analysis of the deformation tress of the press housing;
The Horizontal Assembling Method and the Error Analysis for the Housing of 2800 Plate Mill;
Study on the strength and stiffness of mill housing;
Machining one-piece stand for sheet stamping press;
A brief analysis on stress distribution in square stands of tube rnockout machine using FEM;
The stands and roll crown of imported tension reducing mill were improved,and the Φ133mm pass was developed in order to realize multiple length production and increase finished product rate of API oil well pip
介绍了天津市无缝钢管厂为实现API油管的倍尺生产、提高成材率 ,对引进的张力减径机机架与轧辊辊型进行了改进 ,开发了Φ133mm孔型 (对前 5架粗轧孔型进行了设计 ) ,取得了较好的经济效
The rack of aluminum ingot stacker plays an important part in the process of Stacker.
Structure of rack,component and magnetron assembly in the cabinet are analyzed,and related problems which must be considered in structure design of cabinet are presented.
The paper introduces the processing technology of the rack of the Sizing Mill and the testing method by center machine tool and normal dial-indicator.
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