Effects of Invertase Hydrolyzed Sucrose Casing and Roasting on Quality of Burley Tobacco;
Effects of Casing before Redrying on Major Chemical Composition, Aroma Components and Smoking Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco;
Extraction of Rhizoma imperatae and its Application in Tobacco Casing;
The paper introduced the structure design of grain shape lignin fiber automatic charging machine,and analysed the collecting principle of its technical parameter.
文章涉及一种颗粒状木质素纤维自动加料机的结构设计 ,对其基本技术参数的选择原则进行了分析。
The discussion on the pH, “ecliptic” and feeding method was of some practical value in the rate promotion of DDNP.
Effects of fuelling by using high-pressure supersonic molecular beam in the HL-1M tokamak;
SMBI was considered as an alternate fuelling technique,which may provide a higher particle sou.
The main experimental results with three type of fueling method used on HL-1M have been presented.
In this paper, a discussion and an optimizing numerical analysis of the penetrat ion and attenuation of the thermonuclear tokamak plasma fueling by the supersoni c cluster molecular beam(SMB) has been presented.
The new and unique features of design for gasification furnace and gasification spray nozzle,and the advanced feed-in technology represent the advantageous of gasification technology,while it still has some shortcomings.
The effects of feed time and impeller speed on nano barium sulfate particles were studied.
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