This method solves the problem of zooming the mother shoe last makes last edge round.
With the development of science and technology,more and more attention has been paid to the edge quality of parts.
The significance of edge quality of precise part is discussed in detail.
阐述了精密零件棱边质量的重要性 ,介绍了主要工业发达国家在棱边质量标准方面的研究成果 ,分析了各国标准差异的影响因素 ,提出了完善我国棱边质量标准的若干改进建议 ,为建立系统、科学的棱边质量标准打下了坚实的理论基
Symplectic analysis and dual edge element for electromagnetic waveguide;
Using full vector finite element method(FEM) with hybrid nodal/edge elements with triangular shape,the relationship between the properties of PCF such as nonlinearity,dispersion slope and zero-dispersion wavelength and of PCF structure parameters of PCF such as the diameter of the air holes,the h.
At the same time,the edge element was used to make the continuity of normal component.
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