%) and Al-28%Mg-14%Zn alloys used for thermal energy storage applications,such as the specific heat capacity including solid and liquid state;the mass density in the temperature range 30~500℃;the melting temperature and the latent heat of fusion.
利用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)和H-90型膨胀仪,对潜热储能材料A l-34%Mg-6%Zn和A l-28%Mg-14%Zn合金的热物性参数进行了测定,如固、液态时的比热容,30~500℃间的质量密度,熔化温度和熔化潜热等。
We report the calculated results of the latent heat of fusion Δμ ls and the melting temperature T m as a function of cluster size.
给出了团簇熔化潜热和熔点随团簇尺寸的变化关系 ,表明团簇熔化潜热和熔点强烈依赖于团簇的原子数 。
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