The hing girder assorting with π type steel used in broken caving roof in Nanshan Coal Mine,Hegang Mining Bureau can not only solve the roof fall accident but also meet the needs of section mining support.
鹤岗矿务局南山煤矿在破碎易冒落顶板中 ,铰接顶梁与π型钢梁配套使用 ,不仅解决了顶板易发生的抽漏冒顶事故 ,而且满足了分层开采各分层顶板支护的要
Through observing and analyzing to roof and wall of spot in 6114 workface,this paper sum up rules and features of rib spalling and roof fall under complicated geology condition in sub-level caving mining workface,it raises a series of roof control measures and gets good result.
通过对 6 114工作面顶板、煤壁现状的现场观测和理论分析 ,总结出了复杂地质条件下综放工作面煤壁片帮、端面顶板冒落的规律和特点 ,提出了一系列复杂地质条件下综放工作面顶板控制措施 ,现场应用后取得了较好的效
The roof falling types of worked out area in south mining district are pointed out, which are scattered falling and batch falling.
指出南区采空区顶板冒落形式 ,一是以散体形式零星冒落 ,另一是批量冒落。
To predict roof falling,AE field tests have been conducted and AE monitor holes are laid out based on the block analysis.
To predict roof falling) AE field tests have been conducted and AE monitor holes are laid out based on the block analysis.
Application of π type steel girder in broken easy caving roof
Analysis on the roof fall before frame in light caving face
The block which will be the first of caving rocks from free surface and lead to more caving or side-fall in underground work is known as" critical rock".
We would not neglect our defenses; we would not risk falling behind.
Analysis of Roof Caving Instability Mechanism of Large-Section Roadway Under Complex Conditions
Research on Rapid Reinforcement Technology for Mine Inclined Shaft Passing Through Dynamic Roof Failing Zone
Practice of Supporting Method with Small Wooden Stand in the Residual Stones of Caving Mining Area
Research on repair technology for deep mine roadway with fault falling in Qishan Mine
The engineering cases show that grouting is an effective way to get across the collapsed zone.
Study on Mechanism of the Grouting Backfill in Caving Area with Strip Mining under Buildings;
The Investigation on Roof Falling Morphology and the Gas Migration Law in Goaf under the Condition of Drainage
Study on Relationship between Depositing Characteristic of Falling Waste and Top Coal Recovery in Full-mechanized Caving
The theoretical study on loss rate of top coal and quantitative characteristics of piled waste
Frogger Adventure The Lost Wand
The student risked his life to save the boy falling into water.
Our policy constantly ran the risk of falling between two stools.
When that branch fell on my head, I saw stars for several seconds.
A ground squirrel emerges into a field of wildflowers in the Canadian Rockies.
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