The Application of Embedded System in Pushing Process Monitoring;
Research and application of automatic operation system for coke oven coke pusher;
Regarding to the shortcomings existing in the emergency device of the coke pusher and by installing a hydraulic device,the upgrading of which has been performed.
This paper presents a study of the shortcomings of door extractor of coke pusher in coke field and introduces some design approaches.
对现行焦化行业中推焦车摘门机构存在的缺陷进行研究分析 ,针对其存在的问题进行改造设计 ,将液压技术运用其中 ,改造后的设备具有重量轻、结构简单等优点 ,经过襄汾县某焦化厂使用后反映良好。
A large number of test data from 40 kg trial coke oven and two production coke ovens approve that mixing 5 % of Fugu coal and adopting the rammed coking technique can make the coke quality invariant and decrease the electric current for coke-pushing at wide-range, which possesses obvious economic benefit.
By analysing varied factor and action force of the coke-handspike,this paper pointed the main factor and put forward opinion of reducing the level tolerance in order to reduce vibration.
As the important equipment in the Coking Plant,the structured beam of pushing machine is very easy to be corroded and to crack in the production.
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