Content Analysis of Pro-eutectoid Ferrite Steel Using Pattern Recognition;
Phase Transformation Mechanism,Structure and Property of Pro-eutectoid Ferrite and Deformation Induced Ferrite of Low Carbon Steel;
Amount prediction of proeutectoid ferrite in flux cored wire welded seam;
Formation of proeutectoid ferrite during dynamic transformation of undercooled austenite in a eutectoid steel;
Effect of cooling rates on the microstructure of proeutectoid ferrite in Fe-0.76%C steel in high magnetic field;
The results show that the allotriomorphic ferrite at the original austenite grain boundary and the precipitation of carbonitrides along the original austenite grain boundary in the slab surface region might be the main causes for the slab surface cracking during rough rolling.
Formation of needle like proeutectiod ferrite and its influence on medium carbon steel wire properties;
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