Quantitatively Producing the Initial Liquid Droplets to Fabricate Hollow Glass Microspheres by Liquid Droplet Method;
Mathematical simulation of the physical process to fabricate hollow glass microspheres by liquid droplet method;
According to the mathematical model of the formation process of hollow glass microspheres (HGM) fabricated by liquid droplet method, a simulation software, which runs in Win98 system, is compiled in computer language of Delphi5.
根据液滴法制备空心玻璃微球的成球过程数学模型 ,用Delphi 5 。
By using dropping liquid,downward penetration and upward capillary seep experiments to test three anionic wetting agents to ten dust samples of sulfide ores,their relevance of wetting effects was investigated.
Study on droplet profile method for determination of contact angle in drop-on-fiber systems;
With the basic theory of droplet profile method and the Young-Laplace equation,the contact angle of single fiber were determined by using C++ language programme,vector and AutoCAD software.
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