The formula of vertical stress in the vicinity of strip area of foundation with uniform pressure is deduced by superimposing with the method of corner of rectangulow.
This method was based on LS-DYNA program and user subroutine with good supports by experimental results,and one corner-point strain method for accessing roughly plastic hinge was also put forward.
This paper made a comparative analysis on the two on machine measurement roundness error methods, which are the angular three point method and displacement three point method.
分析了采用角位移三点法和线位移三点法测量工件圆度误差时 ,两种方法权函数的频域特性 :谐波抑制特性、测量系统权函数总体特性和对噪声的敏感特性 。
Distance measuring using single-point laser triangulation system design based on CMOS;
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