Prediction of RPC fluidity using back-propagation network based on genetic algorithm;
A study on the activity and fluidity of GGBS;
Composition effects on strength and fluidity of Reactive Powder Concrete(RPC);
Influences of slag powder,fly ash and superplasticizer on cement paste flowability;
With the increase in the content of round and curved sand in the substituted ISO standard sand, the water demand decreases and thus the flowability and workability im-proves, while the strength tends to drop down.
The dispersion effects of hyperdispersants on carbon black were studied withflowability,viscosity and area of thixotropic hysteresis loop as quantitative parameters.
Study on effect of water-cement ratio and slag addition on cement motar strength and degree of fluidity;
The results indicated that in the three water-reducing agents, the hydrate system which contained KH-JS had the biggest degree of fluidity, but its early degree of fluidity was small,next was the FDN,and its .
In addition,the influence of replacement of fly ash in the doublemixture cement mortar on the strength,flow degree and dry shri.
By using normal technology and raw material in guangzhou and Shanghai,high strength and high fluidty concrete with slump 20±2cm,was made,the slump of the concrete is abave 17cm after two hours.
本文采用常规工艺 ,采用上海、广州两地的原材料制备出 90MPa~ 10 0MPa ,初始坍落度为 ( 2 0± 2 )cm ,2小时坍落度为 17cm以上的大流动度高强混凝土。
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