Chronological Analysis on the Words Yu and Jiao(隅/角);
Gas accumulation automatic monitoring-processing method on upper corner of fully mechanized coal mining face;
The study on the Numerical Simulation and determination of parameters in gas control at the upper corner in U-Type ventilation face;
In coal mines wit high content of gas,the gas concentration exceeding limit in the return air flow and the gas accumulation in upper corner are the main factors of restricting the production capacity of working face.
The effective and feasible fuction of gas auumulation mining face top corner are improved.
Aimed at top corner gas management at the low gas blasting face,by upper goaf drainage with decompression in self coal seam,the experience is tried,the effect is obvious.
Aim at the problem of top corner gas big at work face,seriously influences safety and restrains production,the method of direct drawing top corner gas has been proved sucessful.
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