On Zhuang Commoners Land Ownership under the Rule of Tusi - The Second paper on Land Deed of Zhuang Nationality's Tusi System
A Study on the Legal System of Zhuang Nationlity in Guangxi Provinces during "Change Territorial Tribal Chiefs into Officials" in Qing Dynasty;
Glory and Pursue:Inspecting on Ethnic Approval of Zhuang s Tusi in Guangxi;
On the Overlapping Boundaries of Ethnic Groups in the Tusi Area and its Maintenance: A Case Study of the Tusi of the Zhuang Nationality in Guangxi;
On Zhuang Nationality’s Tusies in the Local Social Order in the Position and Role--Take the Original Tusi in Daxin County of Guangxi for Example
The Development of Martial Art in Zhuang Nationality;
On Poetry of Mo Zhen,a Tusi Mandarin Xincheng County:A Bright Pearl in the Treasure-house of the Zhuang Nationality Literature
Witchcraft,Local Lord System and Singing and Dancing Talents--New Argument on the Origin and Development of the Molun Culture of Zhunag Minority;
Women s Poetry of the Bai,Zhuang and Tujia Nationalities in Qing Dynasty and Their Poems;
The Family History of LI Chieftain of Tu Nationality
The hereditary mandarins of the Mos in Xincheng county went thro ugh three dynasties which lasted more than 500 years and was rare in the history of China as well as in the history of the Zhuang nationality.
忻城莫氏世袭土司历经三个朝代,长达500多年,为壮族史、中国史所 罕见。
Evaluation of the Land Sustainable Use for Zhuang Culture Preserves;
Research on the Spatial-temporal Change Characteristics of Land-cover in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
A Comparative Study of Ritual about Local God of the Land between Zhuang People and Tai People;
Social Features in Chieftain Era in Tujia Minority Area
The Military System “Banner”under the System of Appointing National Minority Hereditary Headsman of the Tujia Nationality
The Social Control of Chieftain in the Region of Tujia Nationality in Historcal Period;
Now, please welcome Mr. Meng Pingyou, Director of the Department of Justice of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, to give a welcome speech.
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