On Machanism of Barley Lodicule Controlling Opening-lemma;
The lodicule is smaller and the structure of canaliculus.
用Olympus AH3显微镜和日立透射电镜对闭颖授粉水稻CL01和正常开颖授粉水稻T168浆片的显微和亚微结构进行了观察。
The flowering characteristics and the changes of the lodicule and stamen were studied during the flowering, compared the fertile line and the hybrid wheat with the male sterile line in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L).
对亲本及其杂种小麦开花特性和解剖结构的研究表明 :在开花期、开花张角、开闭花持续时间、花药外露性、花丝伸长特性等方面 ,杂种小麦有明显的超亲优势 ,不育株系表现最差 ;在开花过程中 ,可育株系和杂种小麦的浆片吸胀快、体积大、增重快。
Relationship Between Glume-Gaping Grains and Characteristics of Lodicules on Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Lines in Rice;
Endogenous JAs (JA and MeJA) were measured in stamens,pistils,lodicules and lemmas using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)based on the monoclonal antibody to MeJA.
To seal high pressure thick liquid in soil anchor hole,we designed the ZJ-150 grout sealer that is expanded by water for the construction of the soil anchor engineering.
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