The circuit uses the volts from the ringing current rectified as interrupt request signal,which is then acknowledged by the single chip microcontroller that exercises control over the interface circuit by running the interrupt service routine.
利用单片机及其接口电路把电话机和收录机结合起来 ,实现自动录音达到智能化的效果 ;利用铃流经整流后得到的直流电压作为中断请求信号 ,单片机响应中断请求 ,通过运行中断服务程序对各接口电路实施控制 ,具有广泛的应用性、科学
When hardware interrupts are used under level trigger manner,there is a very important problem needed to be resolved,which are how to withdraw IRQ(Interrupt Request) after it has requested a time interrupt and CPU has also responded to it,and how to avoid the phenomena of "a time requisition,time after time interrupts".
Interrupt request level is an important idea of the Windows operating system core, and WDM s driver designing often refers to the IRQL.
, the interrupt mechanism and the scheme of designing interrupt-requester based on register-based element are expatiated.
Improved requestshutdown performance significantly
显著的改善了 请求中断(requestshutdown)的性能
Asking for is connected again.
Asking for being connected again
input/output interrupt request register
Code that the processor jumps to on receipt of an interrupt request.
Cannot request exclusive semaphores at interrupt time.
It is easy to abort an unwanted request, but it is always time-consuming to wait for a request to be filled.
Collects all attention events, such as client interrupt request or when a client connection is broken.
In computing, an interrupt request by a peripheral unit, as opposed to a software interrupt written into a computer program.
Cannot process at interrupt level. Deferring request to system task level.
Request immediate assistance, nose gear collapsed at the start of the take-off run.
The requested resource is in use.
The request of a complainant, as stated in a complaint or in equity, that the court grant the aid or relief solicited.
In some cases of Mutual Disconnect no command will be issued, but both sides know when the other will disconnect.
The requested session cannot be controlled remotely. This may be because the session is disconnected or does not currently have a user logged on.
Fixed a corruption bug that could cause constants to become corrupted, and possibly prevent resources from properly being cleaned up at the end of a request
The filing number and the date of filing of the initial application shall be indicated in the request of the divisional application.
(5) fee for requesting invalidation, fee for requesting suspension of the patent procedure, fee for requesting a compulsory license, fee for requesting adjudication on exploitation fee of a compulsory license.
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