Equal to, Not equal to, Less than, Greater than, Less than or equal to, Greater than or equal to
等于, 不等于, 小于, 大于, 小于或等于, 大于或等于
"The number of bits per pixel must be less than or equal to 32.
"每个象素的位数必须小于或等于 32 。
Less than or equal to.
Minimum server memory value (%d) must be less than or equal to the maximum value (%d).
Please enter a valid Maximum and Minimum value. The Minimum must be less than or equal to the Maximum.
{Overtime work cannot be greater than the total work.}Type an overtime work value less than or equal to the total work.
{The field cannot have a grouping interval greater than 255.}Enter a value less than or equal to 255.
{该域的分组间隔不能大于 255。}请输入一个小于或等于 255 的值。
The range of slide numbers you have selected is illegal. The "From" slide number must be less than or equal to the "To" slide.
This value must be a positive integer that is less than or equal to the maximum storage quota.
Enter a maximum value that is greater than or equal to the minimum value.
Hours per week must be greater than or equal to hours per day.
The value for Row Limit must be equal to or greater than zero and less than 4294967296.
“行限制”的值必须等于或大于零,并小于 4294967296。
The roundness tolerance equals to the difference between max. and min. outer diam. obtained by measuring at3 or more equable parts.
The roundness tolerance equals to the difference between max.and min. outer diam.obtained by measuring at 3 or more equable parts.
The minimum retention value cannot be greater than or equal to the maximum retention value.
The 2nd picture shows that the multiplier of skylight is equal or lesser than downlights.
Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.
of or relating to an angel of the first order.
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