3 kinds of high-performance BiCMOS tristate logic gates have been designed and some new methods of modifying the gate structure and using optimal device parameters have been also proposed by adopting 0.
35μm B iCM O S工艺技术,设计了三种高性能的B iCM O S三态逻辑门电路,并提出了改进三态门电路结构和优化器件参数的方法和措施。
Todays, the three-state current hysteresis control has an extensive application.
目前,三态电流滞环控制技术已得到了广泛的应用,但大多数应用场合使用的是三态 DPM 电流滞环控制技术,其调制信号频率的大范围离散变化,致使逆变器输出滤波器设计较难、体积重量较大、输出频谱特性不理想、逆变器噪音较大。
A scheme for teleporting an unknown entangled state of three three-level particles is proposed when four three-level particles state of maximally entangled is used as quantum channel.
提出一种利用 4个三态粒子的最大纠缠态作为量子信道来隐形传输一未知的 3个三态粒子纠缠态的方案。
We propose a scheme for probabilistically teleporting an unknown three-particle entangled state of three-level by using a four-particle entangled state of three-level as quantum channel.
Analysis on the Constructure of the "three-pattern" Tourist Culture;
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