The findings can be used to make an estimation of the frequency of the internal clock.
采用Morlet小波变化的方法,探讨1000 ms时间知觉过程的时频特征,进而揭示内部时钟的频率特征。
This paper introduces the methods of display and setting of the internal clock of the FX2N PLC.
本文介绍了FX2N PLC内部时钟显示与设置的方法,并通过实例介绍了如何运用PLC内部时钟实现定时控制。
Based on the principle of enhancing the automatization of dam safety monitoring system,presented as the key technique of automation is a method in which the Ontimer event of the clock-controlled component is triggered repeatedly during a given period.
Returns the serial number of today's date
Application of the Internal Clock of FX2N PLC
FX2N PLC内部时钟的显示与应用
Returns the serial number of the current date and time
Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit.
!!Returns the serial number of the current date or time. See Help for information about serial numbers!
First-generation PentiumⅡ systems with internal clock speeds up to 333MHz have an external memory bus speed of 66 MHz.
Another example is designing a system that gets the date from the internal clock instead of asking for input from users.
Refer to Appendix B, Operating Parameters, Seven-day clock, for informationabout setting up the seven-day clock and the standby delta.
The huge factory was gutted in minutes.
Yap. Is this clock the Mountain Time or Central Time?
Pilot: Twenty minutes to dropoff... Commencing internal depressurization.
Beside the tower lies the cathedral. with a glorious interior.
From this came their reckoning of time, and a calendar that accurately measures the solar year to within minutes.
The automatic stopping device can be set within the range of 0-60 minutes for automatic stopping. Blades (sus304) can be extra installed inside.
synchronize all the clocks in an office
This is a paper and pencil test which lasts between 20 minutes (Starters) and 40 minutes (Flyers).
Supports external wait signal to expend the buS cycle.
I'm in a hurry. See if you make it in fifteen, OK?
我赶时间。设法在 15 分钟内赶到,行吗?
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