A method for displacement analysis of planar two-DOF (degree of freedom) seven-bar linkages is proposed based on Groebne Method and computer symbolic manipulating technique in this paper.
Symbolic solutions to displacement analysis for various types of palnar two-DOF seven-bar linkages are proposed based on Groebner base method and computer symbolic manipulating technique.
基于Groebner基法和计算机符号处理技术,对各种结构形式的平面两自由度七杆机构位置分析问题进行了符号求解,该法通过对变量的排序,建立多项式对的集合,求S -多项式,约简等运算,将一组多项式方程化简为一个同价的三角化方程组,得到了封闭形式的解。
Symbolic solutions to displacement analysis for various types of planar two-DOF five-bar linkages are proposed based on Groebner base method and computer symbolic manipulating technique in this paper.
基于Groebner基法和计算机符号处理技术 ,对各种结构型式的平面两自由度五杆机构位置分析问题进行了符号求解。
Futhermore,it can gain foot characteristic size by digital camera and computer graphics disposal technology ,so agile manufacturing in small batch comes true.
本系统利用接触式模拟测头 ,将鞋楦表面轮廓数字化 ,实现大批量快速制造 ;利用数码相机和计算机图形处理技术获得脚部关键尺寸 ,实现小批量敏捷制造。
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