This paper discusses the quality problems of existing copper cable circuit.
本文就现有用户铜缆线路存在的难以解决的质量问题以及其对发展ADSL 接入的限制进行了详细的讨论, 指出发展ADSL要防止船大难掉头。
By analyzing the characteristics of the application of fiber and copper cable in the network and comparing the advantages and disadvantages between fiber and copper cable, this paper points out that fiber has many incomparable advantages over copper cable such as resisting electro-magnetic interference, long transmission distance and good expansion ability of the bandwidth.
通过对光纤和铜缆在网络应用中的特性分析 ,光缆和铜缆的优缺点比较 ,认为光缆有着很多铜缆不可相比的优势 ,如抗电磁干扰、传输距离大、带宽扩充性好等 ,今后随着网络通信对带宽要求的不断提高和光纤技术的不断发展 ,光纤必将取代铜缆而成为网络综合布线的主流介
In the light of relevant industrial standards and certain technical countermeasures against accidents,and based on analysis two accident cases due to lightning strikes at 500 kV Qujiang substation,Shaoguan,Guangdong province,detailed three earthing modes with isopotential connection of copper cable are .
A very high frequency adaptive continuous time second order band pass filter for equalization in the receiver of 1000BASE CX is presented.
本文设计了用于千兆以太网基带铜缆接收器均衡的甚高频自适应连续时间 Gm - C二阶带通滤波器。
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