Design of GPRS-based hydrological data collection system;
In order to edit hydrological data files, a 32-bit editor under WINDOWS has been developed, In this article, the development process, skill and method of 32-bit Editor for hydrology data are presented, also problems that need to be resolved during the data analysis of automatic precipitation recorder and data format conversion are pointed out as well.
Based on published hydrological data, runoff and sediment were calculated for evaluating units by dividing the study area into hydrological polygons, combining hydrological data with the hydrological polygons map, setting up the accumulative relationship between subcatchments and validating the runoff and sediment dat.
MapX-based isoline mapping for hydrologic data;
After calculating the PageRank values of 236,517 articles in the citation network,the authors analyze the relationships between PageRank values and citations.
对由236 517篇SCI文章构成的引文网络,计算得到每一篇文献的PageRank值,并深入分析了文献的PageRank值与通常使用的引文数指标之间的关系。
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