Aiming at remote data collection and control of excitation system of small-hydropower generator, a new type of built-in single chip ATMEL90S8535 is adopted in the design of small-hydropower generator excitation system remote measuring and control device, and it finds application in hydropower plant in mountain areas.
针对小水电发电机励磁系统的远程数据采集和控制 ,采用新型嵌入式单片机ATMEL90S85 3 5设计的小水电发电机励磁系统远距离测量控制装置 ,在一些山区水电厂中得到了应用 ,介绍了以AVR嵌入式单片机为核心的远控单元的设计与实现 ,并说明了该类型单片机高效的C语言编程方
Aiming at remote data collection and control of excitation system of electric power, a new type of built-in single chip Atmeag128 is adopted in the design of electric power system .
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