This paper gives an enumeration formula W(n) about nonisomorphic and selfcomplementary tournaments,and corrects a falsity on existence of selfcomplementary tournaments.
In the Presented paper the uncertainty caused by measure principle of the cylinder method for measuring the thermal conductivity of thermo-insulating materials with heating of self-compensation is analyzed with a numerical method.
A self-compensation method is proposed based on digital closed-loop control technology that eliminates the influences of the factors such as working conditions,circuitry parameters and so on.
Based on a self-compensation model involving the deep donor MGaVN,we calculate the hole concentration as a function of magnesium doping concentration NA,w.
This method was used for preparing SiC whiskers which distributed homogeneously in the matrix of Si_3N_4 powder, and then Si_3N_4 composites with SiC whisker reinforcement were prepared, Since no additional whiskers are needed, this kind of materials may be referred to as "self-reinforced ceramic-based composites".
In this paper,we studied the problem of L(2,1)-labeling on self-complementary graphs and proved that λ(G)≤2Δ for self-complementary graphs.
The(edge) covering number and (edge) independence number of the self-complementary graph are discussed.
主要讨论了自补图的边独立数和边覆盖数,给出了点独立数的严格上、下界: ,其中 是 的点色数,分析并证明了点独立数取得上、下界的自补图的存在性。
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