From renew,recycle and reuse to regeneration of landscape;
This paper studied the characteristic of used electromechanic product,based the domestic and oversea actuality of used electromechanic products resource recovery,analyzed the main approaches and traits for reuse,remanufacturing,recycle in resource recovery for used electromechanic products.
Influences of recycle and second grade water spraying on semi dry flue gas desulfurization efficiency have been experimentally investigated.
To prove the feasibility of not using bosster fan, test has been carried out to see whither open or close of the bypass damper, as well as switching on or off the recirculating pump affect the boiler operation.
为论证无增压风机的可行性 ,进行了旁路挡板开关及再循环泵切换对锅炉运行影响的试验。
Ginical Observation of the Recirculation Rate in Stenotic Fistula with Normal Blood Flow;
Study and APPlication for Recirculation Evaporative Cooling Technology;
Control mechanism of exhaust gas recirculation(EGR) systemand trouble cases;
Comparison of 2 methods for determining vascular access recirculation rate in hemodialysis patients;
The relationship between sustainable development and green design,and the relationship between green design and material recycling are discussed at the same time.
Based on the bi-phase and high reaction rate properties of benzene alkylation with 1-dodecene catalyzed by [BMIM][AlCl 4] ionic liquid, a continuous mixing-reacting-separating-recycling experimental setup was developed.
针对酸性氯铝酸盐室温离子液体 [BMIM][AlCl4]催化苯与 1 十二烯烷基化合成十二烷基苯 (LAB)反应体系双液相、反应速率高和催化剂对湿气敏感的特点 ,建立了一套既可间歇操作也可连续操作的强制混合 反应 分离 再循环实验装置 。
These principles are selecting suitable structure and form, reducing the unnecessary material of package, avoiding discarding package optionally, indicating the ingredients of materials and marks for recycling, taking into the reusing and recycling account when they are discarded.
The article introduces the function of recirculating tube.
The intention of this article assist domestic designers to know the foreign technical trend and the experience which MBEL gained in the boiler start- up system with recirculation pump.
The control principle of recirculating valve for feedwater has been presented, and faults occurred in operation, such as severe vibration, comingoff of valve stem and core, wornout of sealing ring, leakagein of the valve etc.
介绍汽动给水泵再循环阀的控制原理及其在运行中出现的剧烈振动、阀杆及阀芯脱落、密封环磨损、阀门内漏等故障 ,并进行了分析 ,提出加强再循环阀的维护和提高其检修工艺质量及保持其工作在最佳工况的解决方
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