A multi-rigid body dynamic simulation model of auto-lock mechanism in certain vane system is built on ADAMS platform according to its physical model.
A kind of hand pressure amplifying device based on two-step orthogonal force amplifying mechanism of linkage with self-locking function on passing the critical position and pinion and rack mechanism is introduced.
The self-lock condition of friction is used extensively in engineering.
Therefore, it can realize double functions of transmission and self-locking.
The special structure of the new type of bottom unloading bucket is illustrated, and the principle and the properties of the self locking structure as well as the ways of deciding on and calculating the self locking protection angles are discussed.
Transmission properties of temporal inactive joints (TIJ) in multi linkage mechanisms were studied by analysing the self locking performance of 4 bar and 6 bar linkages using TIJ concept.
为推导多杆机构的瞬停节传递特性 ,利用瞬停节的概念分析了 4杆机构和 6杆机构的自锁性能。
Efficiency of the Planet Wheel System and Analysis of Self-locking;
Biomechanics Experiment and Clinical Research of Humerus Self-locking Intramedullary Nail;
The methods used in overcoming locking problems in constructing the element models are emphatically described.
At the beginning of the paper,a brief review is conducted on the main finite element methods of plate bending theory and then several basic problems concerning formation of a tip-quality plate element are discussed,such as shear locking,patch test and zero energy deformation mode etc.
Basing on the hybrid/mixed finite element method the "locking" phenomenon in shell elements is discussed and the necessary conditions for access to locking free elements is proposed.
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