Objective:How distant the condyle moved to protrusive and its function importance for incisors occlusion.
目的 :推导切牙合功能时 ,髁状突向前下方运行的距离及生理意义。
Measurements of soft tissue profile of head roentgenogram for adults with normal occlusion in Zhengzhou area;
Cephalometric study by downs analysis in children with normal occlusion in Shandong province;
Objective:To obtain the refered value of McNamara cephalometric analysis in Inner Mongolian adults with normal occlusion.
Clinical observation on treatment of malocclusion during mixed dentition with T4K appliance;
Methods Forteen cases with severe skelet al class Ⅲ malocclusion(male 4,female 10,age range12.
Objective:To compare the difference between one-step and two-step Sliding Technique under treatment of Angle class Ⅱ 1 malocclusion using SWA(straight wire appliance).
目的 :探讨直丝弓矫治器治疗安氏Ⅱ类Ⅰ分类错牙合中 ,用一步或两步滑动法关闭间隙对牙齿移动的影响。
The Influence of Anterior Crossbite on the Positions of Teeth and the Relationship between Anterior Crossbite and Tooth Morphology;
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