Hopping-Electron Transport in a Field-Emission Display;
Characteristics of hopping conductivity in one-dimensional binary disordered system with off-diagonal correlations;
By estimating the koppelman kernel on Complex Manifolds, the difference between the koppelman kernel on complex manifolds and the Bochner Martinelli koppelman on C n was obtained;and then by utilizing the koppelman formula and the result as above, the jump formula of differential forms under Berndtsson transform on Complex manifolds was derived.
进一步在复流形上应用Koppelm an 公式并利用上述结果, 即推出复流形上微分形式在Berndtsson 变换下的跳跃公式。
Meanwhile,itdoes the same of jump formula of differential forms.
本文介绍了C ̄n空间中函数经Bochner-Martinelli变换后的Plemelj公式和它在Stein流形上的拓广,同时还介绍了C ̄n空间和Stein流形上微分形式在Bochner-Martinelli变换下的跳跃公式以及这些公式分别在全纯开拓,闭开拓,方程和线性奇异积分方程上的应用。
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