On the figure of speech and use of "Yuan" in Tianwen;
Functional Word "Yuan" in Wang YinZhi "Word Meaning of Classics"
Any possible dirt in filling or shell should be cleaned timely.
The Similarities and Differences Between "Yuan " and " Yan " and Their Orbits of Developing in the Pre-Qin Period Chinese;
Functional Word "Yuan" in Wang YinZhi "Word Meaning of Classics"
In the Spring and Autumn Periods, the Jin Kingdom practiced a unique system which started the state-controlled field distribution.
春秋时的晋“作爰田” ,开创了由国家来实施大规模分户授田之先河。
Wish with reasonable, have a content; Have common interest hence good, have a passion for to living words of you become bosom friend a friend.
This paper has made a new study on Yuantian which the Preqin-history-field has disputed for many years.
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Some unseen fingers, like an le breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples.
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